What makes cinema lenses different?
Cinematic lenses are a crucial part of any film production. They can change the look and feel of your movie completely. In this article, we will explore the different types of cinematic lenses and why they are so important.
Anamorphic vs spherical lenses
Anamorphic lenses are a popular choice for filmmakers and videographers. They offer a unique perspective that is not available with other lens types.
Leica: A Story of Greatness (part 1)
Leica Camera AG is a German firm whose primary focus is the production of cameras, optical lenses, photographic lenses and binoculars. Established by Ernst Leitz in 1869, this enterprise has been thriving for over 140 years.
Tips And Tricks for Using Anamorphic Lenses Effectively
Anamorphic lenses are a great way to add depth and emotion to your shots. In this article, we will share with you some of our best tips and tricks for using anamorphic lenses effectively.
What does an anamorphic lens do?
Anamorphic lenses are a popular choice for filmmakers and cinematographers. They can be used to create a wide variety of effects, from extreme perspective shifts to distorted perspectives. In this article, we will discuss what an anamorphic lens does and how it affects your shots.
New Products from ARRI
ARRI, the esteemed German camera manufacturer, has recently issued an update to its Hi-5 lens control and focus system that adds a powerful new feature.
What is a rehoused lens?
A rehoused lens is a lens that has been removed from its original housing and placed into another type of housing. It is usually done when a lens needs to be repaired or replaced.
How Cooke Cameras Became the World Leader in Optics
Cameras have been a part of our lives for more than a century. They have evolved from simple single-lens reflex (SLR) models to high-tech digital cameras.
Zoom lenses part 2
Now, the choice. Should I buy a prime lens or zoom? Which would be more advantageous? This decision is met with fervent discussion among photographers who are uncertain of any definitive answer. Luckily there is no right answer – it depends on your chosen genre of photography as well as your unique creative vision!
What to Look for in a Cooke Cameras Optics and Lenses
A camera is a valuable asset for any business. It can help you take photos of events, record videos of your activities and more. In this article, we will discuss the important features to look for in a cooke cameras optics and lenses.